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- 首都:渥太華
- 最大城市:多倫多
- 官方語言:英語和法語(法語主要在魁北克省使用)
- 貨幣:加元
- 時區:從 UTC-3.5 到 UTC-8,在夏季月份更改為 UTC-2.5 到 UTC-7
- 國際區號:+1
- 主要宗教:基督教

- 聯邦議會民主和君主立憲制
- 由十個省和三個地區組成
- 陸地總面積約 3,855,100 平方英里——世界第二大國
- 主要出口:機械設備、汽車產品、鋅、鈾、金、鎳、鉛等礦產,金屬和塑料,林業產品,農漁業產品,能源產品
- 魁北克是世界上最大的楓糖漿生產國(佔全球產量的四分之三),而世界上 80% 的楓糖漿來自加拿大。
- 最受歡迎運動:冰球、曲棍球、冰壺等
 資料來源:QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited Destination Guides


Canada is located in the northern part of North America and is the second-largest country in the world. It has a relatively small population, and most of the population lives in the southern part of the country. Canada is a multi-ethnic nation with diverse culture due to the long history of immigration.
Canada is a safe and interesting place to study. There were over 435,400 international students in 2019, making it one of the most popular international students' destinations globally. Canada has a well-respected and progressive education system and has one of the highest rates of post-secondary education completion globally.
Canada is well-known for its stunning natural environment. Because of its vast territory, Canada's weather varies across its regions. In general, Canada has long and cold winters but beautiful summers and falls. The climate on Canada's west coast, such as Vancouver, is temperate and rainy. Temperature ranges from around 23 degrees Celsius in summer to 5 degrees Celsius in winter.  It seldom snows except in the mountains. The climate in Toronto is continental. It gets very snowy in winters and humid and warm in summers. Temperature varies from about -5 degrees Celsius in winter to 25 degrees Celsius in summer.