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The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is the third-largest country in the world in terms of size and population. It consists of 50 states, and it is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse countries.
The United States is the most popular destination for international students, with more than one million international students currently enrolled in higher education institutions. The United States has some of the best educational institutions globally, many of which have cutting-edge technological resources. There is a wide range of education options in the United States; some are broadly-focused, some are career-focused, and some are niche.
The United States has a vast territory, diverse regions and complex climate changes. From semi-arid Texas to tropical weather in Hawaii and Florida, the United States covers most different climate types. But in general, most regions have four seasons, including cold winters and hot summers. Due to various climate changes, the U.S. has a hugely diverse ecology, a wide variety of animals and plants, and much natural scenery for students to explore.
Depending on location and lifestyle, living conditions and living costs can differ greatly in the U.S. It is often more expensive in big cities than in smaller towns. Still, in general, they are comparable to what they are in other developed countries. Consumer goods and necessities, such as food and household items, are affordable and easily found.