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- 官方語言:英語、馬來語、華語和泰米爾語,超過 75% 的人口精通英語。
- 由60多個島嶼組成,其中最大的是新加坡島,也被稱為烏戎島。
- 人口:約580萬,其中62%是公民,38%是永久居民或外國工人和學生。
- 車輛在道路左側行駛。
- 生活費用所需金額:每年8,000美元。
- 國際本科生的平均學費:每年 14,400 美元。
- 學生可以在假期全職工作,在學期期間每週最多工作 16 小時。
- 貨幣:新加坡元(SGD/S$)
- 時區:新加坡標準時間(UTC +8)
- 新加坡於1819年由英國建立,1963年獲得獨立,同年成為馬來西亞的一部分,並於1965年最終分裂為獨立國家。
資料來源: QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited Destination Guides


Singapore is located at the tip of the Malaysian peninsula. It consists of one main island, 63 satellite islands and islets, and one outlying islet. Singapore has a diverse cultural heritage and is home to four large ethnic groups: Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian. Students would be able to experience a fascinating blend of Eastern and Western cultures. With highly impressive economic and urban planning infrastructure, Singapore provides a fantastic dining and shopping scene.
Education has been a priority to the Singapore government and is a crucial driver for its economic development. Therefore, Singapore has one of the world's best education systems. According to the QS World University Ranking in 2020, both Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) ranked among the top 15 globally. There are currently around 65,000 international students enrolled in higher education in the country. Singapore was also ranked the 20th in the QS Best Student Cities in 2019.
Singapore has a tropical climate with high temperatures and humidity, and plentiful rainfall. The average temperature year-round is between 25 and 31 degrees Celsius.