首頁> 留學國家


- 正式命名為大韓民國,但廣為人知的是南韓或韓國
- 貨幣:韓元 (₩/ KRW)
- 人口:5150萬人
- 國際區號:+82

- 國土面積:99313平方公里
- 首府:首爾
- 本科學費通常為每年 6,500 美元
- 學生在學習期間每週最多可以兼職工作 20 小時 
- 總部位於韓國的國際公司:現代、三星等
- 傳統上民族運動:跆拳道


South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is a country in East Asia constituting the Korean Peninsula's southern part. Around half of the country's population lives in the Seoul Capital Area, the fifth-largest metropolitan area globally.
South Korea's excellence in education has been recognized globally. South Korea is ranked at the top of OECD countries for academic achievement and educational competitiveness. In 2019, there were around 160,000 international students enrolled in higher education institutions in South Korea. Comparing with other popular study destinations like the U.K., the U.S. and Japan, South Korea has lower tuition fees and living costs, plus well-prepared scholarship programs for overseas students. International students enrolled in regular degree courses or language courses can apply for permission to work part-time. There is also an annual job fair for international students held every year by the government.
South Korea has a temperate climate with four seasons. Winters are cold and dry, with minimum temperature dropping below -20 degrees Celsius in the inland region, while summers are warm and humid. In Seoul, the average January temperature range from -7 to 1 degree Celsius, and the average August temperature range from 22-30 degrees Celsius.