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Rossall School

  • 國家:英國
  • 城市:Rossall
  • 創校年份:1844
  • 學校種類:私立中學
  • 學生人數:約639人
  • 一年學費連食宿:N/A
  • 學校排名 : N/A
  • 學校簡介
  • 入學要求
  • 其他資料
  • 學校地址
羅素學校是一個招收7-12年級學生的大型私立寄宿走讀學校,自1844年以來,招收適齡中學生。學校呈現在友好、全球化(超過50個國家代表)環境,提供具有挑戰性的課程。學術課程包括多樣的GCSE核心科目,25門 A Level課程,久負盛名的國際文憑,以及聯合軍校(英國第一個引進此項目的學校)。

歷史悠久的160英畝校園坐落在壯麗的蘭開夏郡海岸線,這是英國唯一一所有自己的空間科學和天文學中心的學校。值得注意的其他設施還包括一個全新的烹飪廚房和先進的設計技術工作室。哈利•波特式的餐廳在F. A. M.韋伯斯特的書《我們偉大的公立學校》中被描述為「全國最出色的之一」。羅素學校還設有健身房,室內泳池,攀岩牆和網球場,此外還有室外網球場和壁球場,射擊和射箭場,一個曲棍球場,和一英里長的私人海灘。

A Level成績達A*至C的比例:80%

著名校友: 佩德羅巴勃羅•庫琴斯基(秘魯總統),大衛•布朗(阿斯頓馬丁汽車企業所有者),彼得•溫特伯頓(前英格蘭橄欖球聯盟隊長),沃爾特•克洛普頓溫菲爾德(草地網球發明者),神父托馬斯RD拜爾斯(泰坦尼克號上的牧師)


Rossall School is a large, British private boarding school educating Senior and Sixth Form boys and girls since 1844. The school presents a challenging curriculum in a friendly, global community environment with over 50 nationalities represented. Academic offerings include a large selection of GCSE core subjects, over 25 A Level courses and the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Set on an historic 160-acre campus along the magnificent Lancashire coastline, Rossall School is the only school in the UK with its own Space Science & Astronomy Centre. Other facilities of note are a brand-new cookery kitchen, a state-of-the-art Design Technology Studio, The Beecham Music School, The Performing Arts Studio and the Rossall Sports Centre. Its impressive Harry Potter-style dining hall was described by F.A.M Webster in his book, Our Great Public Schools, as "one of the most splendid in the country". Rossall School also features a gymnasium, an indoor heated swimming pool, a climbing wall, tennis and squash courts, shooting and archery ranges, an AstroTurf hockey pitch and a mile-long private beach.

Sports and Arts
Sport is seen as a key part of the Rossall all-rounder, a pupil who is competent in all areas of the curriculum, academically sound, emotionally intelligent and physically fit. A range of sporting activities exist for the keen sportswoman or sportsman but even if you are a recreational player or just want to have fun staying fit, there are plenty of opportunities to express yourself. The school offers membership in 64 clubs and societies. Drama is popular amongst all year groups and there are regular opportunities to perform in productions, sometimes linked in to the curriculum, such as the perennially creative Year 6 Shakespeare play. In the Senior School, there are regular drama productions which have recently included the West End hit, ‘Les Miserables’. The Art and Design departments provide a fantastic outlet for creative students- housed in beautifully light and airy rooms they feature the very latest in CAD and workshop equipment, including a 3D printer.

Dormitories and Student Life
Student housing at Rossall School has a warm, family-oriented vibe. There are cosy common areas, well-appointed bedrooms and contemporary shower rooms. Perfectly cared for by houseparents and tutors, young people find the dormitories a place to relax, study and make friends. These friendships can last a lifetime, open up so many new opportunities and allow you to experience new and exciting cultures through the people that you are surrounded by. The diversity of the school is virtually unrivalled by any other school in the area, and arguably in the whole of England.
Hong Kong - Form 2 Completion


28% International students
Rossall School
United Kingdom