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Bronte College

  • 國家:加拿大
  • 城市:Toronto
  • 創校年份:1991
  • 學校種類:私立預科書院
  • 學生人數:約400人
  • 一年學費連食宿:港幣約24萬
  • 學校排名 : N/A
  • 學校簡介
  • 入學要求
  • 其他資料
  • 學校地址
寶迪學院是一所私立的國際預科(IB) 學校和AP學校, 為學生提供全方位住 宿。開設9至12年級課程, 著重大學預 科的準備。我們的學術課程吸引了來 自世界各地的學生, 這個擁有來自超 過全球30個國家的大家庭是寶迪學院 的榮幸與驕傲。寶迪學院致力於為學 生提供思想開放, 富有包容性, 尊重多 元文化, 強調學術優秀, 尊重個人成長 的學習環境。關注國際學生多方面的 需求及做好大學前的學術基礎準備。 學生可選擇自己喜愛的課外活動、參 加州際院校體育比賽以及校內大學學 分轉移 (AP) 免費輔導課程。寶迪學 院位於加拿大大多倫多地區的密西沙 加市市中心, 世界著名金融中心及旅 遊勝地近在咫尺。歷年以來, 密西沙 加市一直被評為加拿大最安全的城市 之一。寶迪學院舉步可到密西沙加市 安大略湖岸邊的Port Credit旅遊勝地; 距離加拿大金融中心—多倫多約20分 鐘車程; 至美、加邊境上的尼亞加拉 瀑布也只需60分鐘, 毗鄰當地的交通 幹道和商業中心。 

使命 | 融會貫通
寶迪學院旨在培養具有國際意識的 終身學習者, 讓他們用知識和勇氣來 正面影響這個世界。

教師團隊 | 率先垂範
我們的優秀教師團隊致力於幫助學 生們實現自身最好的課業成績並且 從課程中獲得最充分的教育。寶迪 學院師資陣容雄厚,所有教師都持 有安大略省教師認證或國際教師認 證,並且積極在大多倫多地區各大 知名院校進修額外課程,提升自身 的教學資格。除此之外,教師們熱 衷於挑戰和激勵學生們去追求卓越 的成績,以及在課堂外培養學生的 信心,尊重和領導能力。

Bronte College is a private International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering Grades 9 to 12 for day and boarding students. Our academic programming has attracted international students from almost every continent worldwide, and we are proud that students from over 30 countries call us home. Committed to providing a learning environment that emphasizes academic excellence and individual growth, we strive to cultivate open-mindedness, inclusivity and respect within the Bronte community. Focused in international student support and university preparation, students engage in a variety of extra-curricular trips and activities, varsity sports and the Advanced Placement (AP) Program. Our campus is located in the heart of Mississauga; diverse, urban, and consistently ranked one of the safest cities in Canada. Minutes away from Mississauga’s vibrant city centre, the picturesque neighbourhood of Port Credit, and a short drive to downtown Toronto, a world of sights and attractions are just beyond our doors.

Our Mission - Learning to Understand
Bronte College aims to develop internationally-minded, lifelong learners who have the knowledge and courage to make a positive difference in the world.

Our Faculty - Leading by Example
Our exceptional teachers are dedicated to helping students achieve their personal best and get the most out of their education. Our teachers hold certification from the Ontario College of Teachers or teacher certification from world renowned teacher training programs. Bronte College teachers continuously take additional qualification courses with a variety of high-profile universities within the GTA. Passionate about challenging students to strive for excellence, our teachers provide support beyond academics, and into co-curricular activities that develop leadership, confidence and respect. 
Hong Kong - Form 2 Completion


Bronte College
88 Bronte College Court, Mississauga
Ontario, Canada, L5B 1M9