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Nova Scotia Public Schools

  • 國家:加拿大
  • 城市:Nova Scotia
  • 創校年份:N/A
  • 學校種類:公立校區
  • 學生人數:N/A
  • 一年學費連食宿:港幣約14萬
  • 學校排名 : N/A
  • 學校簡介
  • 入學要求
  • 其他資料
  • 學校地址

Nova Scotia省公立校區由多間氣氛友好的學校組成。 每所學校都致力於提供出色的教育機會。 學生有機會從各種學術科目中進行選擇,也有機會參加各種課外俱樂部和體育活動。

Nova Scotia省被認為是世界上最友好的地方之一。 該省擁有豐富的歷史和文化,是世界各地人民的家園。 Nova Scotia省幾乎完全被大西洋所包圍,居民可享受帆船,衝浪和游泳的機會。

Nova Scotia Public Schools consist of a collection of schools with friendly and inviting atmospheres. Each school is committed to providing excellent educational opportunities. Students have the chance to choose from a variety of academic subjects, as well as the opportunity to participate in an assortment of extracurricular clubs and sports.

About the location
Nova Scotia is known to be one of the friendliest places in the world. The province is rich in history and culture, and is home to people from all around the world. Being almost entirely surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, residents of Nova Scotia enjoy opportunities for sailing, surfing and swimming.

Hong Kong - Form 2 Completion

氣溫:-9°C - 23°C
Nova Scotia