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Wells Cathedral School

  • 國家:英國
  • 城市:Wells
  • 創校年份:909
  • 學校種類:私立中學
  • 學生人數:約767人
  • 一年學費連食宿:N/A
  • 學校排名 : N/A
  • 學校簡介
  • 入學要求
  • 其他資料
  • 學校地址
韋爾斯教堂學校是世界上歷史最悠久的、連續運行的學校之一,至今有約1000年曆史。位於薩默塞特的韋爾斯鎮,這是一個男女混合私立寄宿走讀學校,接收7到13年級的學生。學校最為矚目的是唱詩班(追溯到10世紀),盛產有才華的音樂家和學者。課程是以英國教會傳統教授,提供藝術,科學和人文科學的經典科目供選擇。提供有A Level課程,再加上久負盛名的國際文憑IB,預科課程和專為留學生設計的EAL課程。憑藉與王室的緊密聯繫(查爾斯王子),韋爾斯教堂學校能為國際學生提供一個具有歷史背景的現代化英式教育的機會。

A Level成績達A*至C的比例:85%

資質認證及獲獎: HMC,IAPS,金藝術獎,英國藝術委員會成員

畢業生去向: 每年約有10%的畢業生進入牛津劍橋大學60%進入羅素集團大學,20%畢業生選擇音樂學院和古典戲劇學院

著名校友: 邁克爾•伊維斯(格拉斯頓伯里節創始人),葉斯廷戴維斯(男高音),丹尼爾夜鶯(奧運金牌得主),傑米•沃爾頓(大提琴家)


Wells Cathedral School, founded in AD 909 is one of the oldest, continuously operating schools in the world. Located in the cathedral city of Wells in Somerset, it's a coeducational, private UK boarding school for students aged 12 to 17. The school is proud of its storied tradition of producing choristers (dating back to the 10th century), talented musicians and accomplished scholars. The curriculum is taught in the Church of England tradition, offering a choice of subjects from classic divisions of the arts, sciences and humanities. In addition, there are A Level courses and an EAL course for international students. With strong links to the Royal Family (Prince Charles is a patron), Wells Cathedral School gives students from around the world a unique opportunity to have a modern British education with a stunning historical backdrop.

Grade II listed buildings built between the 14th and 16th centuries are sprinkled throughout the expansive campus (The Vicar's Chapel and Library are c1424 and 1430 respectively). Students have the distinct honour of rehearsing and performing in the Cathedral and the Music School. Sport facilities include a sports hall with a fitness suite, a covered swimming pool and an AstroTurf pitch which is used for hockey in the winter and tennis in the summer. There are also outdoor tennis courts and three playing fields - one with a cricket square.

Sports and Arts
The school aims to foster a life-long love of sport and physical activity in every pupil. In addition to matches in hockey, rugby, netball, cricket and rounders, they also have the chance to compete in the local cross country league throughout the year, and many runners and swimmers go on to represent the school in regional championship competitions.
Wells Cathedral School is one of the five established musical schools for children in the UK and has a close relationship with Wells Cathedral. The school offers a specialist music scheme for students who wish to pursue a career in music. They will receive a first-class, pre-professional training from teachers who are world-class musicians themselves, many of whom are active performers and teach at UK conservatories. The school's musicians achieve great success both as performers and in public examinations.

Dormitories and Student Life
Dormitory houses, built in the 14th Century, are clustered around the school grounds and feel like family homes. The bedrooms are spacious and there are study areas, large gardens for pupils to relax, and kitchens fully stocked with the students' favourite foods. Recreational activities are regularly organised and a full social calendar is made up three times a year. On Saturdays students are encouraged to visit the lovely town of Wells for shopping and entertainment. In recent years, students from 16 different countries have made up the lively boarding community alongside students from around the UK, all enjoying quintessential British school experience.
Hong Kong - Primary School completion


13% International students
15 The Liberty
United Kingdom