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日本學校的學費與美國、英國的大學相比並不昂貴。日本的大學本科1年的入學金和學費等的合計,國立大學為 82萬日元(約60,000港元)左右,公立大學為93萬日元(69,000港元)左右,私立大學為110萬日元(81,000港元)到164萬日元(121,000港元)不等(醫學、牙醫學和藥學除外)。並且,獎學金制度、學費減免制度與其他國家相比也很完善。
There are about 780 universities in Japan, the majority of which are private. The best/popular national institutions are famously tough to get into. Applying for them entails two exams: a standard exam given by the National Center for University Entrance examinations and the university-specific exam administered by each school. Many students who do not get into the university of their choice wait till the following year to try again with the exams.

Recent years have also seen the ascendance of private educational institutes, many of which now rival national universities in prestige and popularity.